HNHAC Membership Renewal Form

Thank you for your continued commitment to the Hmong New Hope Alliance Church (HNHAC). To renew your membership, please fill out the form below. By renewing your membership, you are agreeing to remain in good standing with the covenants of HNHAC as outlined below. Please note that renewals will be cut off after April 1st.

Personal Information

To validate your renewal, please provide your information below.

Tip: Please use your legal middle name.

Tip: Please use your legal last name.

Tip: This can be a Hmong Name we know you by more so than your legal name. For example: Tsim Nub, Fuam Vaaj, etc.

Tip: Providing a DOB helps the church understand the demographics of the church and to best meet the needs of its people.

Tip: This is your main residency.

Tip: Please provide the same email you are using with for the integration to remain seamless. Providing an email allows the church to be able to send formal and mass communications to its members and helps distinguish between members.

Tip: Providing an email can help the church send our mass communications to its members. This email should match up with the email that you have signed up with so that financial contributions made in can be auto-linked to your Elvanto profile.

Tip: The church may communicate to you regarding service cancellations, event updates, etc.

Tip: This helps us understand and plan for our Sunday school activities and functions.

Tip: This helps us understand what types of needs we must meet for our congregation members.

Covenants of HNHAC

1. Forsaking Unbiblical Practices

  • I will forsake all animistic practices and rituals.

  • I will not perform unbiblical marriage and funeral ceremonies.

  • I will not seek to bring lawsuits against anyone in a manner that is un-Christlike.

  • I will be obedient to the leadership of the church.

  • I will comply with the bylaws and constitutions of the church, and those of the Hmong District. (Matt. 6:24; 1 Cor. 6:1-8; Titus 3:1)

Kuv yuav tso txhua yaam kev dlaab tseg, hab yuav tsi ua tshoobkug hab kev plujtuag kws tsi lawv le Vaajtswv txujlug qha, kuv yuav tsi ua plaub ntug rua ib leeg tug twg kws tsi yog le ib tug ntseeg. Kuv yuav noog cov thawj coj huv pawgntseeg lug, hab ua lawv le pawgntseeg hab HKM tej kevcai lijchoj hab kev coj noj coj ua. (Math. 6:24; 1 Kau. 6:1-8; Titus 3:1)

2. Regular Church Attendance

  • I will attend church on a regular basis to worship God and study the Bible (in a small group, Sunday school, Alliance Men, Alliance Women, Youth, and Single Adults). (Heb. 10:24-25; Ps. 119: 15-16)

Kuv yuav tuaj pehawm Vaajtswv hab kawm Vaajtswv txujhlug (nyob tej paabpawg, nub kaaj, txiv tsev, nam tsev, cov hluas) kuas kuv txhaj le to taub Vaajtswv txujlug hab paab tau kuv kev ntseeg. (Hen. 10:24-25; Phoo. 119: 15-16)

3. Tithing

  • I will tithe my income from work, business(es), and/or assistant/benefits received from the government, and give it to the church, so that finances are available for the work of the Kingdom of God. (Mal. 3:8)

Kuv yuav muab ib feem kaum ntawm kuv qhov dlejnum, laagluam, nyaj paab lug ntawm nomtswv tuaj tso rua huv Vaajtswv lub tuamtsev, kuas pawgntseeg txhaj le muaj nyaj ua Vaajtswv teg dlejnum. (Mal. 3:8)

4. Holy Living

  • I will endeavor to live a holy life to bring glory to God and be a witness to the world.

  • I will abstain from sexual immorality, lawsuits against other Christians, gambling, drugs, alcohol, polygamy, abortion, and homosexuality. (Matt. 5:13-16; Gal. 5:19-21)

Kuv yuav ua lubneej dlawbhuv kuas Vaajtswv txhaj le tau koobmeej hab ua timkhawv txug Vaajtswv rua lub nplajteb nuav. Kuv yuav tsi ua pleeg ua yig, tsi ua plaub ua ntug rua cov ntseeg, tsi twvtxaj yuampov, tsi quav cawv, tsi yuav nam yau (txiv yau), tsi rhu mivnyuas, hab tsi ua tuabneeg txivneej nyam txivneej los quaspuj nyam quaspuj. (Math. 5:13-16; Gal. 5:19-21)

5. Using Gifts/Skills

  • I will use my time, energy, and gifts/skills to do ministries in the church when I am selected, appointed, delegated, or whenever I see a need. (Eph. 4: 7-16)

Kuv yuav siv kuv lub sijhawm, tug dlaag zug, hab tej kws kuv txawj coj lug ua Vaajtswv teg dlejnum nyob rua huv tuamtsev tsi has thaus kuv raug taw, rua sawv cev, los yog thaus kuv pum muaj dlejnum yuavtsum tau ua. (Efe. 4: 7-16)

6. Praying for the Church

  • I will spend time praying for the members and the growth of the Church. (1 Thes. 5:16-18)

Kuv yuav siv sijhawm thov Vaajtswv paab rua cov ntseeg, hab paab rua kev luj hlub ntawm pawgntseeg. (1 Thes. 5:16-18)

7. Building Friendships

  • I will be friendly to the visitors and church members, striving to build friends with as many people as I possibly can. (Jn. 15:12-15)

Kuv yuav ua zoo rua cov qhua hab pawgntseeg cov tswvcuab, hab yuav ua phoojywg rua txhua tug lawv le kuv muaj peevxwm ua tau. (Yau. 15-12-15)

8. Membership Termination

  • If I am no longer a resident of Georgia and/or is inactive*, the Board of Governance has the right to terminate my membership from Hmong New Hope Alliance Church.

  • Exceptions include students going to school out of state, military and missionary personnel, and medical circumstances.

Yog kuv tsis nyob huv Georgia hab/lossis tsis tuaj pehawm Vaajtswv lawm, lub rooj Tsaavxwm muaj cai rhu kuv tawm tswv cuab ntawm Hmong New Hope Alliance Church. (Tshwj tug kws tawm moog kawm ntawv txawv nroog, moog ua tub nrog, moog ua tub tshaaj moo zoo, hab muaj mob muaj nkeeg).

Electronic Agreement Notice

By typing your first and last name in the fields provided on this membership renewal form, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions set forth by Hmong New Hope Alliance Church (HNHAC). This action constitutes your electronic signature, and it has the same legal effect as signing a physical document.

If the person is a minor, please have a parent or legal guardian sign in place of the person.

Please note that by providing your electronic agreement, you acknowledge and consent to the covenants of HNHAC, as detailed in the renewal form.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Tip: If the person is a minor, please have a parent or legal guardian sign in place of the person.

Tip: If the person is a minor, please have a parent or legal guardian sign in place of the person.